The Biggest EEAT Signal

Explore this foolproof plan:

→ Develop a Kindle book via {redacted} AI

→ Drive your web traffic to Amazon

→ Use a free checklist to capture emails and boost traffic to your blog!

This strategy not ONLY builds your email list but also creates a self-sustaining cycle of traffic. Plus, it offers multiple benefits:

→ Strengthens author signals and EEAT

→ Opens up another quick revenue stream

→ It helps to acquire the knowledge panel Here’s the truth… Amazon isn’t just for sales; it’s a POWERHOUSE for building brand credibility and expanding your audience.

Alternative ways to enhance your EEAT signals include:


→ Kickstarter

→ Udemy

→ And platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube….

As your EEAT signals strengthen, you’ll not only gain a knowledge panel on Google but also the right to boast about your newfound fame—because now, Google recognises you as a notable figure.