Chiang Mai Conference SEO Strategies

CMSEO blew up, selling 800+ tickets in hours!

Making the event in Southeast Asia the SEO hotspot.

2024 SEO Strategies!

Format – Workshops, talks, and masterminds filled the days.

Attendees picked from 2 awesome talks at a time – tough choices!

Below are the highlights and notes.


Matt Diggity @mattdiggityseo

The king of the conference!

Matt shared the journey of the event and his own success story.

Inspiring stuff!

Kyle Roof @kylebot1997

SEO brainiac.

Kyle Roof got into the nitty-gritty of SEO testing.

His message? Keep it scientific and straightforward.

Kasra Dash @Kasra_Dash

Focused on the Helpful Content Update (HCU), website recovery, mastering the art of disavowing harmful links, and leveraging tier 2 backlinks.

Robert Nich @robertniechcial

AI wizard Robert Nich showed us how AI is revolutionising SEO, especially in different languages.

Chi’s Affiliate Insights.

Chi dropped knowledge bombs on affiliate marketing.

Focus on long-term games, not just quick wins.

Kevin Indig on AI @Kevin_Indig

Kevin drove home the point: AI is the future in SEO.

He urged us to get creative with AI prompts.

Dom Wells on Investment.

Dom advised investing in SEO agencies over content sites.

Smart moves for digital assets.

BiBi on Link Building.

BB Raven simplified link-building: few tools, but effective strategies.

All about smarter outreach. ✉️

Cyrus Shepard’s Quality Insights.

Cyrus, a former Google rater, shared how sites are really judged.

Quality is key! ️

Steve Toth SEO Notebook @seo_notebook

He shared his renowned SEO Notebook sheets – a goldmine for data-driven SEO strategies.

These sheets help you dissect and utilise your website’s performance data effectively.

Craig Campbell @craigcampbell03

Unveiling black hat tactics that still work wonders!

He shared an epic tale of how he cleverly snagged a Knowledge Panel using IMDb – a masterstroke in SEO creativity.

(I’ve missed some speakers) But here’s more notes

CM SEO Notes

Google’s SGE and Content Strategy

A big focus on SGE’s impact on SEO.

The pros are eyeing changes in how Google displays content, especially featured snippets.

Try Different Search Engines

The shift to diverse search engines is also on the radar!

Amazon and YouTube SEO Some are moving towards Amazon SEO for higher ROI.

Others are diving into YouTube SEO, learning about CTR and user psychology.

AI Integration

AI’s role is growing!

More AI-led tasks, from content to analytics. Reshape agency work and strategies

Adapting Business Models

As Google evolves, so must our monetisation methods.

The key is making more with less traffic – think services, products, and info products.

Launching New Sites

New sites can rank quicker but expect volatility.

Brand building and non-SEO activities are crucial for stability and visibility.

Diversification Beyond SEO

Some are exploring e-commerce, dropshipping, and brick-and-mortar investments.

Diversifying income sources is becoming essential.

Content and Link Building

Content will need to be more expert-driven, leveraging AI for depth and editors for quality.

PR and natural link-building methods are gaining traction.

Adapting to Algorithm Changes

SEO is about adaptability.

Stay alert to changes, especially with AI and algorithm updates.

Flexibility in strategies will be key.

Statistics Link Building

Doing outreach for outdated statistics and adding statistics to money pages for outreach.

Take it one step further and make your own data using surveys.

Closing Thoughts

SEO in 2024 is all about embracing change – from AI advancements & SGE, to new monetisation models.

Staying ahead means adapting quickly and smartly!