Black Friday SEO Hack

I bang on about updating content all the time.

Updating content adds freshness and relevance to your content — leading to an increase in rankings with minimal effort.

​Here’s a hack to increase CTR and rankings:

Perfect for Black Friday (and other holidays/sales)

It’s as simple as adding Black Friday to the title.


  • Old: Best Toasters in 2023
  • New: Best Toasters – Black Friday Sale (2023)
  • New: Best Toasters in 2023 (Black Friday Sale)


  • Increase CTR in November
  • Extra Search Traffic
  • Chance to rank in Google Discover

​Yes, you might get traffic from Google Discover. GD in November is flooded with Black Friday deals.

It’s a Win-Win optimisation that’s simple and quick.

​Don’t forget to add a section in the content about BF sales too.

Happy updating.