Local SEO: Directories and Forums

If you’re doing local SEO the 2 main things you need to keep in mind is:

  • NAP
  • Google Business Profile (old – GMB – new – GBP)

The end I’ll give you some juicy directories and forums.

Let’s dive in.


Name, Address, Phone number. 

This needs to be consistent throughout your listings. 

If you have these differences on your GBP to a Yelp listing it can cause issues. 

Google search is an algo. 

You must match your NAP with your Google Business Profile, or you can confuse Google.

Hurting rankings. 


Google Business Profile

The most powerful Local SEO profile. 

I’m not going to bore you with the details. 

Set it up, get approved, fill out ALL the information, and add a few posts. 

After, you can rank in and around an area where your business is located. 

Ways to increase local rankings

Now to the fun part. 

You want as many brand entities as you can manage. 

Start with the top directories, navigational services, and search engines. 

Next, you want:

Industry specific directories 

You can do this by searching in Google. 

  • [Keyword] directory
  • [Keyword] inurl:directory
  • Directories for [Keyword]

This should give you a rather decent list.


To take this one step further is to target forums, every website should do this. 

Reddit and Quora are the ones that always spring to mind, but you’ll find many industry specific forums.

You can do the same:

  • [Keyword] forum
  • [Keyword] inurl:forum
  • Forums for [Keyword]

Or you can do:

  • [Keyword] inurl:forum|viewthread|showthread|viewtopic|showtopic|”index.php?topic” | intext:”reading this topic”|”next thread”|”next topic”|”send private message”

This should pick all the conversations online about your industry. 

If you can sign up and add your business, great!

If not, it’s still a great idea to create a profile and join the conversation. 

You want to prove your Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT) by being mentioned around the web. 

This shows that you’re a real business.